
Twin Falls' Cameron Francis holds down Brothers of Steel's Dezirae Haven on Saturday, April 20, 2024, during round two of the 16U/Junior girls in the 120-pound class at the freestyle state wrestling championships at Twin Falls High School. Francis scored a pin at the 2 minute, 44-second mark.

Fair Manager John Pitz poses for a portrait with a photo from his first year Tuesday, Sept. 17, 2024, at the Twin Falls County Fairgrounds Fair Office in Filer. Pitz is retiring after 28 years at the fairgrounds and will be followed by Lydia Buffington in October.

Benjamin Reed, host of La Perrona, poses for a portrait Friday, April 5, 2024, during a radio show at La Perrona's radio station in Jerome. Reed is celebrating 10 years on the air since February 2014.

Twin Falls' Cameron Francis holds down Brothers of Steel's Dezirae Haven on Saturday, April 20, 2024, during round two of the 16U/Junior girls in the 120-pound class at the freestyle state wrestling championships at Twin Falls High School. Francis scored a pin at the 2 minute, 44-second mark.
Hannah Kinson
Hannah is the photographer at the Magic Valley Times-News in Twin Falls, Idaho. She provides visual content for the newspaper and assists reporters with story content. Before moving to the west, she lived in Iowa working as the bar manager at Marquee Pizzeria, creating new cocktails and overseeing bar management. She traveled Europe with her camera for a year while working as Army personnel at the Edelweiss Lodge & Resort in Bavaria, Germany. As a student, she was the Photo Editor at The Daily Iowan, an award-winning, student-run newspaper in Iowa City. She graduated from the University of Iowa in May 2021 with a Bachelor of Arts in journalism and mass communications with a writing certificate in literary publishing. Her strengths include sports photography, visual productions, and an ability to react quickly to breaking news and adapt to difficult situations.

Best of 2023: 3rd Place for Light Feature Photography, Idaho Press Association
published in 2020: A Year Documented
included in 2021 Iowa Newspaper Association (INA) Best Photo Story
2020 & 2021 INA Newspaper of the Year
Technical Skills
Adobe Photoshop/Lightroom/Premiere/InDesign
Photo Mechanic, Final Cut Pro
Microsoft Word/Excel/Outlook/OneDrive
video creation, social media analytics, communication, marketing, leadership
Canon 5D Mark III, Canon 1D Mark III, Canon Rebel SL3
Tamron 24-70mm f/2.8, Canon 300 f/2.8, Canon 70-200 f/2.8